JSR Mobile Apps

Measurement Unit Converter 1.4
JSR Mobile
Do you ever scratch your head trying toconvert inches to centimeters? How many cups make up a gallon? Wantto convert Celcius to Ferenheight? This application helps youconvert length, weight, volume and temperature measurements todifferent unit.
Business People Finder 1.0
JSR Mobile
Find business contacts and people in LinkedIn.Search people in LinkedIn by keywords, name, company, school etc.View people's location on map and view their profiles. Linkedinservice provides people data and search capability.
Dream Job Finder 1.3
JSR Mobile
Find a job of your dream and get hired.Searchjobs by keywords, company and job title. Also can search jobsnearyour location when GPS is turned on. Jobs found are displayedonlist and on map. Jobs can be saved to LinkedIn user account.Jobinformation can be shared via email, Facebook, Twitter andSMSTexting.This app uses LinkedIn Job search API. LinkedIn user accountandinitial authorization by LinkedIn is required.Any comments or feature requests are appreciated!